How to connect Gunbot to your exchange account.
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How to connect Gunbot to your exchange account.
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Before you start trading, you need to enter the exchange API key and secret, as well as the trading fees level for each exchange.
To enter API keys, go to Profile > Exchanges.
Select your exchange and fill in all the fields for this exchange.
The master key is just the API key you've registered for an exchange.
Using the same registered key for both the "master key" and "key" fields is OK.
Master Key
The API key registered to be used with Gunbot.
This is the key you've registered during an order, or have entered on the "swap exchanges" page. Each exchange has it's own master key.
This key may have read only access as long as you use a different Key for actual trading.
The API key used for trading, can be the same as Master Key.
This key must exist in the same exchange account as the Master Key.
Master Secret
API secret belonging to "master key"
API secret belonging to "key"
Time in seconds between processing two pairs on the same exchange.
10 is generally a safe value, you can try lower delays if you see the bot running without errors for several hours.
Trading Fees
Fee percentage per trade, use the appropriate value for your exchange and fees level.
Passphrase (needed for select exchanges)
Some exchanges require a passphrase for each API key, it may be called slightly different on the exchange itself.
Market (needed for select exchanges)
Some exchanges require specifying the market the bot will be used on: spot, swap or, delivery or futures. Applies to Binance Futures, FTX, Okex and BitGet.
If an exchange requires specifying a market type, you can only run pairs of that specific market type (futures, for example) in the same bot instance.
Market options
futures: USDT margined pairs
delivery: coin margined pairs
spot: spot trading (automatically set by GUI)
spot: spot trading
futures: futures pairs
spot: spot trading
futures: futures pairs
swap: perpetual futures pairs
spot: spot trading
futures: futures pairs
swap: perpetual futures pairs